
Arcana of the Ancients, a 5e science-fantasy sourcebook

Created by Monte Cook Games

Bring the wonders of Numenera, with its mysterious technology and weird science-fantasy elements, to your 5e campaign with Arcana of the Ancients.

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A Further Look at Items
about 5 years ago – Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 09:16:46 AM

In Arcana of the Ancients, we introduce a new type of item that player characters can find and use. They’re called cyphers—because most people have no idea how they work—and they represent strange bits of technology cobbled together to produce a single effect. A cypher can be used only once, and then they’re expended. Here’s how the book itself will describe them, along with a few samples from the much longer list in the Arcana of the Ancients:

Entering the ruins to look for cyphers.
Entering the ruins to look for cyphers.


Cyphers can be considered as a category of magic item, similar in some ways to armor, potions, rings, and so on. A cypher is a leftover device of vanished civilizations so advanced that even their cast-off technology provides amazing effects. The use a PC finds for the cypher is probably not the use originally intended.

Cyphers are consumable items. Using a cypher usually requires an action, but could take longer, as specified in its description. Once used, a cypher takes effect immediately, leaving behind a defunct device with no further obvious function.

If too many cyphers are carried by the same PC —usually more than 3—a strange and dangerous resonance begins to build between the devices and the PC’s mind and body. Most don’t wait to find out what happens if that resonance is allowed to build, because it’s always bad. At minimum, the cyphers that exceed this limit are destroyed. (A fun table of random effects from cypher interaction will be provided in Arcana of the Ancients, but more serious consequences involve permanent reduction in the PCs’ physical stats when all their cyphers melt together into a burning slag heap, a horrendous war machine of the prior worlds being called to the location, or the character being sucked through a brief wormhole and sent to another universe entirely.)


Cypher, uncommon

This crystal nodule must be affixed to a melee weapon to function; applying the nodule takes an action. The affected weapon then gains the following additional ability for one day: each time the nodule-bearing weapon strikes a solid creature or object, it generates a burst of energy that teleports the creature or object struck 10 feet in a random direction (not up or down). The teleported creature has disadvantage on all actions, as well as on saving throws, on its next turn.


Cypher, uncommon

This fist-sized device bearing dimly winking lights can be thrown up to 60 feet away. When it reaches the end of its trajectory, the device detonates with a low roar into an explosion of cell-disrupting purple-black energy. All creatures in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving throw (save DC 15). A target takes 8d6 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

The necrotic influence spreads around corners. It kills plants and other natural growth in the area.


Cypher, uncommon

This fist-sized device bearing dimly winking lights can be thrown up to 60 feet away. When it reaches the end of its trajectory, the device detonates with a low roar into an explosion of increased gravity. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving throw (save DC 15) as they’re smashed flat to the ground. A target takes 8d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

The increased gravity spreads around corners. All creatures in the area, whether they succeed on their saving throw or not, are crushed to the ground for one round and cannot take physical actions.


Cypher, uncommon

This crystal nodule must be affixed to armor to function; applying the nodule takes an action. The affected armor then gains the following additional ability for one day. The wearer of the armor moves in seemingly random, rapid jumps, a few inches to one side or the other, when attacked. (From the wearer’s perspective, they’re just moving normally.) All attacks made on the wearer during this period gain disadvantage.